9 thoughts on “,” or :” ? Please take a few seconds to vote!

      • The colon is generally used on a separate line like:

        Xiao Yun: “Mwahahahahaaa!”

        The comma is generally used in-line like:

        Xiao Yun laughed maniacally, “mwahahahahaaa!”
        “Mwahahahahaaa!”, laughed Xiao Yun maniacally.

        The only time you might use the colon in-line is when

        Liked by 2 people

      • Whoops, forgot to delete the last part of my comment, I couldn’t think of anything other than a list of thought responses…

        Xiao Yun came up with some maniacal laughs: “Mwahahahaaa!”, “Nishishishishiii”, and “Kukukukukakakakaahahahahaaaaaa!”


      • I see… Thanks for explaining, I’ll talk to my editors about this. They have been asking me whether I should just use :” or ,” since i mixed them up 😛


  1. Usually when using a colon, it means that an explanation or further info is to follow. So, personally I prefer using a comma in the case of an upcoming dialogue.


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